Strategies to Recruit Heterosexual-identified men who have sex with men (H-MSM)
Heterosexual-identified men who have sex with men (H-MSM) are a unique population often difficult to identify and recruit for research and practice. Yet, engaging H-MSM remains a top research priority to learn more about this population’s health needs. This study reviewed existing research (160 articles) to better understand how H-MSM are often recruited for research. It was determined that most studies relied on social-media (internet based), HIV clinics, parks, and gay bars (venue-based) to recruit participants. Three themes for common recruitment strategies were identified: locations of sexual encounters, sociocultural backgrounds, and engagement with health services. Conclusions on recommended recruitment strategies highlight how H-MSM have sex with other men in a variety of venues (e.g. bathhouses, saunas) but tend to avoid gay-centric venues. Also, H-MSM are diverse, and these unique identities should be considered when engaging them for research. Finally, H-MSM are less likely to access healthcare services, highlighting the need for targeted advertisements and interventions specific for H-MSM.
8/2/20241 min read